The Newman School
The Newman School was founded by Dr. Hector Newman and is located in Danli, El Paraiso, Honduras. The school started in February of 2012 with 12 students in pre-kinder, kinder and first grade. In addition to reading and writing the children are taught computer skills, Christian education and English. We currently have 46 students including 3 in 6th grade.
Student scholarships:
Half scholarship: $25/month per student /per year Full scholarship: $50/month per student /per year The children being sponsored are from the community and come from very poor families. Seminary/Bible School Scholarships: Are offered to our pastors who have expressed a desire in continuing education in the field of pastoral ministry. Scholarships are also offered to those who respond to the call to serve Christ. Pastor scholarship: $60/month per individual /per year - for 3 years |